Best Immunologist For BITE-CAT in GHANDHI NAGAR

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Latest Activity

Suffering from high fever after kitten-bite. How much serious is it?
A pet kitten bites my 8-year-old son's toes into two fingers, making a very sli...
Male 8 , Dhanbad


2 Day Ago

Please advise - whether I am receiving the correct PEP treatment?
I was bitten by a cat on 12/07/2013. Two of the cats teeth entered my skin(tran...
Male 29 , Chennai


30 Mins Ago

Want to clear our doubts about the medication after animal bite.
My nefew aged 10 years+ was scratched by a pet cat on 15th December 2013 and as...
Male 10 , Kolkata


27 Mins Ago